Manage your expectations, Alex.

Manage your expectations, Alex.
I wonder if violin sales have been going through the roof since Alex Jones made his appeal to all... that we should hold... *his* needs... as our emotional priority right now.

The actions of certain people in this world are so... universally, deeply.. rawly enraging... it makes one wonder... what it is they've managed to convince themselves would be the likely emotional response to all they've done... which they've spent all these years earning... from all of us?

So... let's give a fair reset to what is appropriate behavior regarding how we treat our children in our society.

As... a starting point:

One doesn't get to... laugh at... mock... the violent bloody carnage of children being slaughtered with a reign of bullets, others desperately running to survive, blood spatter & pieces of their peer's bodies caked on & staining their clothes & faces... screams… of terror from… children… just wanting their mom and dad, children… just wanting to not be killed that day… tears streaming down their face… hearing the gunfire getting louder and closer…

One doesn't get to delightedly… relish... in taking these emotionally scarred, maimed, traumatized children... then proceed to sadistically torment them...

for... years... upon... years... upon years...

then on top of these horrors… proceed for years upon years to spread lies about them, by pretending to be “out… raged”... trying to convince the world that we should all spit in their faces and have absolutely no compassion nor any value for the lives they nearly lost, as they watched those of their childhood friends bloodily cut down, screaming in pain into their final moments of death as blood poured out of their young small defenseless bodies...

One doesn't get to spend years of their life telling these children in this country...

that their existence is trash...

and they deserve to be shot...

and when they are...

they deserve to have no one care because their lives are disposable...

One doesn't get to do...

all of this... for years...

and delight... in doing it... for years...

and enjoy getting rich... for years… off of violently torturing children and doing your very best to make sure that we as a nation do every single thing in our power to make sure to provide as much ammo and guns as we possibly legislatively can… to all who want to one day slaughter more from the selection of our children who've managed to survive this far, some narrowly as others didn't...

One doesn't get to enjoy every year that they giddily see more reports and footage of our kids, running, screaming, being shot… as one revels... in delight... as they imagine the screams of our children erupted before being turned into pink mist…

Revels in delight… because they got away with mocking these children. They got away with ruining the survivor's lives. They got away with pushing a father who lost his little girl from being gunned down in cold blood, who had to face the reality of her lifeless limp tiny body… that you feel the deeply gratifying happy satisfaction with getting away with pushing this crushed man to the point where he could no longer live and had to take his own life… as you smiled inside with satisfaction, a job well done.


One doesn't get to share with the world how much you love what you've done to induce the screams of all of our children and the destroyed parents who lost them... how much spreading lies about and eradicating compassion for them… brings a nightly grin to your face that you've succeeded… in doing… all of this...

Then… claim... that you have anything within your rotted soul… that knows what it feels like to care... about the... supposed... direction our children are going... when you laughed and harassed and tormented them… while ushering them into the direction of a grave filled with nothing left but discarded bodies... an ushering clearly demonstrated by your actions, and your words of sadism… that, aside from your sadistic ridiculing torment and discrediting of the nightmare they lived and the nightmare of trauma they suffer through every day since, with this treatment that you've expressed so vividly over the years as one which brings you such joy, as it simultaneously serves in being your method to ascending to higher and higher levels of your own self-adoring power and notoriety… in actuality… when you otherwise review what genuine feelings you experience within, when faced with this slaughterhouse environment that you saw fit to support the continuance of in our schools… that... honestly? The only thing you can come up with inside how you genuinely... “viscerally* feel is… nothing.


And then, in fact, at times... you even realize one actual burning flame of emotion within you that you can only, when being honest about it, describe to yourself as... pure... self-satisfied... enjoyment of tormenting these children as well.

But other than that emotion of the delight you experience in ruining their lives and hoping that more of them are shot by aiding everyone inclined to shoot them with as much ammo as you possibly can help them to procure…

By hoping that you can chase more of them down the street and shout obscenities at them hoping that the trauma they've already experienced makes your ability to drive them to commit suicide all the satisfyingly easier for you...

that other than this... our living children… are simply… meaningless… to you.

That you feel… nothing.

Except… laughter… sadism... and the inner warm smirk rought to your soul through every ounce of pain you drink in as your own feeling of sadistic accomplishment... A self-satisfied feeling of your having tormented successfully as a job so exhilaratingly well done.

And that all you'll have to do to distract people away from how much you love these feelings... so that you can keep indulging in these feelings, free of judgment or scrutiny from anyone... is to periodically shout out faux indignance... false outrage... put others in a position of having to defend themselves against your false accusations of lies... all the better, you tell yourself, to distract the watching public from your own lies in whose indulgence is like a soothing eucalyptic steam room serving as a sadist's balm to the emptiness within you. That all you have to do to continue abusing generations of these children in this nation, on a mass, continual, yearly scale... is to pretend that your stance against reproductive rights is representative of how much you love... and protect... babies... When we know that it neither defines protection of children, nor, by virtue of your own reliably titillated response to the opportunity to further torture the family's grieving over children who've been shot, and further increase the chances that more of them will be shot as long as you can help get more guns into the hands of those who will shoot them. Kill them. Murder them. You tell yourself that everyone will buy into you're outrage. And not see it as trying to duly shield yourself from an entire nation of people who feel actual... in no way falsely generated genuine pure rage towards you in ways you've deep down in completely unable to deny that you have duly earned from all of them... and to a degree so primal, so unmistakably righteous without so much as a glimmer a false contrivance to deflect from some ulterior motive... that you can't even begin to fathom how limitless it's righteousness is against you and everything you've done to our children. And that, no lie, no gasighting, no posturing, grandstanding, or projection upon others of your own guilt... ever... fools... anyone... into not seeing yours. Ever. And the degree to which you further cannot fathom how much every single time you try to deliver yet another false blaming indignance to the world around you... the world of parents and child survivors of the carnage... hearing your next... performance... silently sees through it in a way that whose penetratively accurate assessment of your efforts to deceive in every single way has​ become... effortless... So clear, they need not even bother to call you out anymore... they're simply satisfied to just silently identify it, and feel themselves become further silently enraged by your sadism, now added to your insulting their intelligence to deign to think that you can distract through histrionic mind games and displays of obnoxiously obvious, phony, reality TV grade umbridge...

Bringing them to all new degrees of visceral further rage towards you, to even further still all new depth of fury towards your attempt to evade your due judgment.

You supported and laughed at and sadistically exacted emotional torture based upon... the years upon years of scores of blood filled murders of so so so many our children. Then try to... distract from it... by falsely claiming your pro.. life... then preceded to destroy, & take even more lives... mothers... raped women and... raped children... under that same lie... all to protect your access to tormenting and emotionally torturing traumatized children who've been shot at, and the families of those who've been slaughtered... all with that deeply gratified smile on your face, widening eyes of delight revealing a soul being filled by brutal cruelty taking up and otherwise barren wasteland if humanity... delight for having gotten away with indulging this and how much you enjoyed emotionally torturing... all of them.

Then... you... cried... over losing the opportunity to continue... doing this.

Well, my my.

You've taught us diligently over the years through actions after actions after actions of yours… that you really want us to understand just how much one of your deepest personal most gratifying senses of laughter and enduring joy... is fed by mocking these murdered children, and passionately hoping that you can have the personal sense of satisfaction to be able to succeed in getting others to mock them along with you, doing your best to make sure that others never care about any of our kids who have round after round after round of ammo pumped into their small exploding chests... and with your further hoping and trying to encourage that these recruited by you others would hold even lesss care for the children who barely survived seeing and living through all of it. Some more than once.

The profoundly mesmerizing wonder that you would convince yourself that you'd be able to succeed in convincing anybody... would ever be believed... when you should ever from this stage forward...point a blaming finger... at anyone else... for anything else... ever again.

So… no… you don't get to have all of these actions of yours protected by some time-and-time-again, year-after-year demonstrated-to-be-a-falsely-virtuous-stance, as your happily despicable violence-loving actions against our children speak even louder than your salaciously indulged upon horrors as crafted by your words of sadism…

and expect... that they will not have earned their due reaction from…

all of us.

All of us who do NOT… just… happen to enjoy the violent murder & psychological torture of our little kids-become–little shooting victims….

as much as you've taught all of us, so demonstrably, and with so many years of clear and thorough dedication to what you've helped us learn through your diligent portrayal of your behavior's proclivities, without any deviation from this revealed character of yours… that we don't happen to enjoy the violent murder and psychological torture of our little kids-become-little-shooting-victims… as much as you’ve shown and taught us with such commitment… that you... do.

Alex Jones...

Marjorie Taylor Green…

Too many others I could name of your ilk who've done the same over these past several years to our children…

Consider how lucky you are, considering everything that you've done to... our kids... for... years…

Consider yourself lucky... that you've found enough people for even this long to reward you with status and riches in return for your consuming the very emotional well-being of so many families and children, sucking out its marrow and then spitting the bones back in the face of the dead in the grieving.

And now… I invite you… to give another gaslighting deflection response to help you hide behind your assassination of women's reproductive rights just so, as you salivate in anticipation of wrenching complete bodily control from all the women in this nation… you may also continue to… delight... in mocking children who are shot dead in their classrooms…

and see if we don't notice that you tried just that right now, as well.

See if it even works anymore. That you'll suddenly fool us despite it all.

See if anyone's not learned to stop listening to everything you continue to try to perpetrate against everybody... any version of a truth, and in no way just another attempt at psychologically deflecting from your agenda that you persist in setting your sites on, at the expense of, and in pursuit of your enjoyment for... the carnage of our kids.

Please. Proceed. Don't fail our expectations now. Show us once again… what you've always been about… this entire... time.

And know that every tear you shed for yourself in this situation, is a tear duly recognized by all of us that you are shedding for somebody who emotionally tortured traumatized children... for money. That you are shedding it... for yourself. And no one else. And your loss in being able to continue enjoying what you've shown us how much you liked exacting all of these sadistic emotional horrors upon these families and children. For years.

Do you wonder how we feel seeing you not cry for children, but cry for someone, i.e., yourself, who enjoys torturing them emotionally, and is move to tears from losing the chance to make money from doing so? One who wishes they could help themselves as that person to continue to torture our children thusly, and who deeply sobs for his discomfort at losing this opportunity to emotionally torture so many children for so many more years to come?

Given the years that you've expressed, not a single tear, but rather... the enjoyment... and laughter... and absolute glee you experienced in emotionally tormenting our children and their families to the point of suicide... what a... smile... it brought to your heart to do this to them...? What would you imagine... would be a fair estimate of emotional sympathy you're earning from everyone regarding the person for whom you are crying... yourself... right now? You know... the one you're crying for who's made a career out of, and followed a calling for emotionally torturing children who've been shot at and have seen the bodies of their friends split open into an explosion of blood and pulpy pulverized internal organs, some not dying instantly but lingering in agony as they saw pieces of themselves torn into strips of flesh? While you were planning your next episode in how to truly and deeply enjoy... making fun... of all of this?

While you, Marjorie Taylor Green, we're planning how to best destabilize these kids and families by verbally abusing them in public with a bullhorn, in the hopes that you could oh-so-happily look at the headlines next day and see that they couldn't take what you've done to them anymore so they slit their own rests or found something to hang themselves with. You know, that suicidal response to how you affect people which makes you feel like you really... truly matter in this world. That your ability to bring torture and emotional abuse to innocent children, while hiding this desire of yours behind the grand-standing of claiming that others are the ones doing it and how outraged you are as you stick the emotional knife into the throats of every family and child you have ever delighted in trying so hard to satisfy your deep craving that you spent so many years teaching all of us, demanding that we understand, you have thoroughly njoyed doing so... Trying to have fun and laugh from the irresistible pleasure you get in trying to reach inside their hearts and squeeze the life out of the innocent souls of... traumatized children? Thinking that by shouting in a badly-acted false outrage... desperately trying to sell the false narrative that it's the other people that are lying but not you, that it's other people's lies that everyone sees through... but not yours... doing so with that signature big forced grin on your face, below the unmistakable eyes of self-hatred and loathing that you cannot hide no matter how hard you try to yell condemnations at other people who you know, and have always known deep in your heart that they've never deserved the false accusations whose misattributions you sadistically bathe yourself in pleasure from giving to them... that this transparent tactic has ever... fooled... anyone, including yourself... as you continue to tell these kindergarten-caliber lies that no one... has ever... once ... believed. Ever.

How do well you imagine you're recognized for who you plainly are by all of us? And how do you think we're going to feel... after all these years... and all of your transparent gasighting... and transparent doubling-down on your gaslighting by believing that your simply accusing other people by using the word... 'gaslighting'... hides the fact that it's you who has been doing it in front of all of us in plain sight the entire time... like anyone's buying that child's-constructed in Merry-Go-Round attempted deflection... and beyond that, all your efforts to teach us that you want us to understand how viciously sadistic you are, and that you want us to understand just how much you've deeply enjoyed doling out the emotional torture of tormented dramatized children... with, right now, the very next lie... we hear come out of you?

Parents and children are listening. Right now.

And have been…


So... find a way... to dismiss this.

Yes. Right now.

Go ahead. Do your best. Construct a rationale to respond with and somehow... invalidate it. Sidestep it. Rationalize a narrative to take yourself out of the target range of the blame that you've too often revealed far too clearly, and further worked so many years to delight in earning from us.

And make sure to include... in anyway whatsoever... trying to... turn it back on us. Take your poison, your madness, your deep psychological, dysfunctional sickness, your sadism, your violence, your lack of caring for our very children, your enjoyment and smile-laced tormenting as they've suffered from your soul devouring harassment of their traumatized tortured lived experiences that they never asked for, along with that of their families... And tell us any of this which we've seen you so filled with pride over doing to them over the years... is something you're now going to try and sell as a misconstruing twisted version of the truth... and that it is somehow... us.

Try. Right... now.

Let's see how it lands.

With everything that you've horrifically exacted upon our innocent children as we've seen you only slam on the accelerator to viciously tear them apart again... we... dare you... to dismiss this... to not take full, complete responsibility for every single one of your horrific years-long laughing, sadistic, torturous behaviors towards children and murdered children's families, pushing them to die as at your urging, while seeing how supposedly convinced you are that you value life... by ducking responsibility right now... in any way whatsoever... once again.

Let's... hear it.

We're waiting... we've got the popcorn ready.

Because now... it's... our turn...

to enjoy.

Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked Parkland survivor in unearthed video: An 'idiot' who's trained 'like a dog'

Alex Jones concedes that the Sandy Hook attack was '100% real'

Parkland victim's mother says she spoke with Marjorie Taylor Greene about school shooting conspiracies

Sandy Hook Promise Co-Founders Respond To Lies Fueled By Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene