While We Were Sleeping
Events have continued to take shape since originally posting this on 1/18/24. Wish I could say they've done so in a way that would've deemed this original post as alarmist. As is seen.. they haven't.
Events have continued to take shape since originally posting this on 1/18/24. Wish I could say they've done so in a way that would've deemed this original post as alarmist. As is seen.. they haven't.
Come 2024's final presidential election vote count (reality willing, current data's momentum does lead to its suggested inevitable Trump loss)... what should be done about a 'sore loser' aftermath?
Notions on putting up with Party Trump's handling by the Supreme Court.
Do you happened to know anyone who is, what may be considered, biracial? What do you personally consider them to be? There’s an old logic puzzle: How many legs would a four-legged dog have if you called its tail a leg? Answer: 4 Calling its tail a leg changes
Now, there’s apparently a new camera called “Paragraphica” created by designer, Bjørn Karmann, from the Netherlands, that doesn’t simply take an accurate photo of what you’re aiming it at, but instead, with the help of… (sigh)… AI… from assessing data through GPS location, proximity to other locations,
This is just a direct address of an issue of grave concern that has arisen within the dairy industry prompting a straight-from-the-the-war-room-like psychological battle campaign of hypervigilant calls-to-arms, as it were, for saving the public from a supposedly confounding morass of forever thwarting our efforts to ever again be able
Happy Mother’s Day. This is my first post but I’ve got Mother’s Day prep to do, so whatsay we skip the preamble (maybe I’ll tell more about myself later in a future post), and meanwhile let’s dive right in to today’s portion of my