
It's time periods like these in our country that kind of make me wish we weren't all flying in the same plane.
I mean, in one sense... we are definitely not all flying in the same plane.
But whatever happens to this plane, happens to all of us.
And seeing some who almost crashed the plane during the last flight…
now trying to yank the controls from the pilot during a smooth flight… because they're angry the last chance they had, lost them their piloting privileges… and they're pointing to the turbulence that occurred at the beginning of this flight… as justification for how much better the flight was that they almost crashed… and now bitterly pointing to how much they felt they were charged too much for their flight meal… they don't like who they're sitting next to... and are running up and down the aisles trying to pull everyone's luggage out of the overhead compartment, accusing passengers of stealing their overnight bag, then yelling that everyone's in the wrong seat and they need to move... all as justification... for now wrestling the steering column from the pilot's hands... and desperately trying to steer the plane off our flight course.
And when asked... what it is they think they're trying to do and where they're trying to steer the plane… they just angrily say…
“Trust us! We're taking you back to the last flight experience! When WE were the pilots!… only even BETTER than how WELL that one went! And that one went GREAT!…AND YOU GUYS DON'T KNOW HOW TO FLY A PLANE YOU'RE KILLING ALL OF US!”
It… just... makes me wish… that we could be flying our separate ways. They could be on their preferred flight and fly it the way they want. We can be on ours and stay the course without someone plummeting us away from it…
And we could simply remain steady and… without any the screaming or someone constantly trying to break into the cockpit or pull everyone's luggage out of the overhead compartment yelling someone took their overnight bag, yelling their almost-crashed flight was better than this one, yelling "YOU'RE THE ONES DISRUPTING THE FLIGHT RIGHT NOW! YOU'RE THE ONES CAUSING THE DISTURBANCE! YOU'RE THE ONES DOING EVERYTHING YOU'RE ACCUSING US OF DOING! AND YOU'RE THE ONES DOING EVERYTHING THAT YOU'RE GOING TO ACCUSE US OF DOING WHEN WE DO IT AFTER WE'RE DONE YELLING THAT YOU DID IT!! YOU DID IT!! YOU NEED YOUR PILOT'S LICENSE REVOKED!!! YOU'RE THE ONES!! YOU'RE THE ONES!! YOU'RE THE ONES!!!!!..."
and just... instead... continue coming in... for a smooth... safe... landing.
Plus, that we'd then be able to also ensure to the passengers who chose that other flight… that if they do end up needing any help, to be sure to radio the tower and... should they appreciate such... we'll be able to do what we can to give them a hand, no questions asked.
Since we will have landed safely.
But none of us...
can help any of us…
if bringing the whole plane down…
with all of us.
Facts for the MAGA cult. pic.twitter.com/FXSkw2aygZ
— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) March 2, 2024