While We Were Sleeping

Events have continued to take shape since originally posting this on 1/18/24. Wish I could say they've done so in a way that would've deemed this original post as alarmist. As is seen.. they haven't.

While We Were Sleeping

Imagine a huge national population on earth. One you really wish you could... control...

into doing...


The ultimate test?

Take a notorious self-contradicting bible-violating con man with a history of sexual assault & rape, signs of pronounced cognitive decline, brazenly sexualized references to his own daughter, who also mishandled a national health crisis resulting in over a million American deaths by convincing people to not protect themselves, and who regularly reveres the words of Adolf Hitler.


see if you can get that national population... including the most devout Jesus-loving Christians...

to elevate this man to the most powerful position in their nation,
and arguably... in the world...


he does.

If you can...

you've got 'em.

And even if you're only able to control about a third of them into doing this...

good enough.

One approach to beginning a war against a nation is to recruit that nation's own citizens from within as your soldiers, doing so through brainwashing/manipulation by simply learning what angers and/or scares certain citizens, then telling these citizens whatever they want to hear to address their anger and fear. Even if you never make good on your promises, they'll still buy it out of strong hopes that eventually you will make good on assuaging their fear and anger.

Then simply keep them angry and afraid, and you'll hold on to and control their will towards your purposes for as long as you need.

Then… as sort of your cover for your operation to the rest of the nation… proclaim yourself as merely 1 of many political parties, doing so while hoping they accept your misleading framing of your actual warfare agenda, with their never quite processing that you're effectively waging a war against them in an effort to overthrow them. Thus, from this misleading, but seemingly plausible enough framing of the true nature of what your faction is, and what its intent actually is… they won't retaliate against your effort to overthrow them, as you continue to exploit their failure to thwart your efforts of continual attack on their nation, steadily continuing to move forward with this methodical process of overthrowing them from within.

Therefore, at least in the earlier days of your developing this positioning, arguably the most crucial days to establish this for eventual unstoppable success, there's a high chance they won't ever end up doing too much to very effectively stop you, beyond their ineffectually threatening an election campaign against your 'political party' many months later, because by this point they will have bought in and remained committed to operating within the parameters of your misrepresentative framing of your underlying agenda toward them.

In this way, you effectively keep them playing by the rules that you set which look like their own rules, which are the ones you continue to actually break.

They also continue being bewildered as to how you can possibly rationalize that you are abiding the rules that they keep abiding, with their continuing to operate under the conventional belief they just have to come up with the right logical explanation to compel you to stop breaking these rules.

If you successfully maintain this dynamic ruse, they'll hopefully never realize that you'll never stop bending and breaking these rules… nor are you waiting for a logical enough argument from them to prompt you into stopping.

“Trojan Brain” concept from Jessica Wildfire’s article “You're Not a Fearmonger. You Have Sentinel Intelligence.”

Meanwhile, as they continue to run around in conversational circles of discourse with you… you just keep moving your agenda forward as you continue breaking the rules to do so, and keep faulting them every time you can purport to claim, however disingenuously, that they’re breaking the rules. No matter how disingenuous and unfounded the accusation, nor how hypocritical you get… in continually making it against them.

You use all this extra time you generate from this gaslighting run-around you put them through, sending them on logic-pursuing appeals-to-rationality wild goose chases… to continue your objective of dismantling more and more of their governmental structure, and recruiting more and more of their citizens as soldiers to overthrow them, plus placing more of your operatives within the very offices of this nation's governmental structure, removing ever-increasing amounts of power from this nation's own genuine political officers, as this nation freely continues letting you do so, with their responding only by making campaign posters and slogans and arguments that will persuade none of your actions to cease, as you, all the more, dismantle them from within.

If in the right position of political power, and you have the right kind of access, you can even consider financing your war efforts against them/to overthrow them by marketing their resources/intel from the inside to the highest bidder amongst the nations you've allied with against them.

Should you ever be called out for, or caught doing any of these things, or have any of your agenda revealed to them, you can simply accuse them of everything you're doing… which will force them to no longer itemize your infractions… and instead force them to spend all of their time defending themselves against having committed any. Keep accusing them no matter what they say, and they'll stay off the topic of pointing out your behavior and stay on the topic of defending their own.

When all done with your overthrowing of the nation, you can begin coming up with reasons to dispense with the citizens you recruited as your soldiers in the first place into betraying their own country and fellow citizens. These recruited soldiers will never figure out that you've manipulated them into doing so, because it would be too emotionally painful for them to face. Therefore you can rely on them to come up with their own rationalizations to excuse your behavior no matter how implausible your continuing ruse against them may indeed become in your presentation of it to them.

With this dynamic firmly set, they are yours… now until you choose to discard them. Even if they learn of your plans, they'll rationalize that they could not have been duped no matter what they learn, and they'll be the ones making the excuses for your behavior so that you won't even have to for yourself to them. The unbearable pain of facing what it was they've done at your manipulative controlling urging of them will keep them in a perpetual state of impenetrably emotionally self-protective denial. And by that point… you can pretty much command them to walk themselves right off a cliff… and they'll do so while saluting you in the process.

You have now successfully overthrown a government, plus gotten rid of some of the superfluous overhead of any excess unneeded soldiers by their own hands at your command, keeping only the ones you still wish to use and exploit to carry out duties in running your newly usurped nation.

Unless this nation really does begin to stop you in your tracks early on enough.

There’s this effect commonly known as the sleeping giant

which… when awakened…

all bets are off.

For when this happens, retaliation is swift, surgical, and laser-focused.

Plus, those formerly recruited citizens that you discarded along the way…

remember everything… you did to them.

Needless to say, from this point forward… you may be somewhat, and suddenly shocked to find yourself…

your plans…

your war against all of a, by now, very angry them…


